The Miro Quartet (Joshua and John on the right). Photo courtesy of the artist.

Show Notes

Life isn’t always puppies and kittens (she stated sagely). Sometimes, it can be downright tough – maybe your family is falling apart and you’re a famous composer and you’re going deaf. We’ve all been there, amiright? In this episode, John Largess and Joshua Gindele, members of the Miro Quartet, talk about Beethoven’s Opus 131 string quartet and that it’s one example of how composers use the string quartet to tell their own stories. They also talk about what was going on in Beethoven’s life that he may have been working out in this piece.

Music in this episode:

Special Thanks to Todd Reynolds for his music, Taskforce: Farmlab from Outerbourough.

This little pod’s got big plans

Lesson plans, that is.

Thanks to Timothy’s Tailoring and Car Detail where you and your car will leave looking lovely (pro-tip: go to the right counter, or you could wind up vacuumed while your car gets a new pair of pants).


13 + 8 =